VS Code Tricks You Must Know

VS Code Tricks You Must Know


1 min read


Good to all! Today, I'm going to show you some important VS Code tips and tricks that you may use in your everyday life.

Move Line Up & Down

To move a whole line up & down, put the cursor on that line and use ALT + UP OR ALT + DOWN

Copy Line Up & Down

To copy a whole line up or down, put the cursor on that line and use SHIFT + ALT + UP OR SHIFT + ALT + DOWN

Code Formatting

To format the currently selected source code, use CTRL + K + CTRL + F and for the whole document use SHIFT + ALT + F

Multiple Cursors

To add cursors at arbitrary positions, select a position with your mouse and use ALT + CLICK

Rename a Symbol

To rename a symbol, select the symbol then press F2. Write a new name and hit ENTER. All occurrence will be updated.
